
september 21-24

“The Messaging Reset”  

VIP Dashboard!

Join us DAILY at 9am PT for our Daily Trainings and VIP Q&A in the VIP Zoom Room!


HEre is what’s happenning:


Day 1 = Tuesday, September 21, 9am PT

  • Connect With Your Best Self & Bold Vision. You’ll get in touch with what feels best for you and how you want to run your business and create a vision for exactly where you want to go and how you want to get there. (Hint: this is not a cookie-cutter strategy, it’s unique to YOU and what feels aligned in your life and business!)

Day 2 = Wednesday, September 22, 9am PT

  • The Secret-Storytelling Framework. I’m giving you an all-access pass to my secret PSR strategy so you can share your unique message in a way that converts your audience into paying clients.

Day 3 = Thursday, September 23, 9am PT

  • Your Authentic Spirit. Discover how to find the deepest authenticity in your message so you can be seen as the expert influencer in your field and communicate that expertise in a way that demands your customer’s attention!

Day 4 = Friday, September 24, 9am PT

The Influencer’s Roadmap. Learn how to influence others and ensure your message stands out above the noise in the market and you can continuously attract attention and create the impact that you desire.



Participation Guidelines



We are requesting you to have your videos on during all our segments. Imagine you are attending an in-person event and stayed hiding behind a curtain the whole time… that wouldn’t be very fun! To make it better for you, the host, and all the attendees, we ask that you turn on your camera so we can have more fun, see your face, and feel your energy throughout each part of our virtual experience together! Of course, if you are in a place where you have to turn off your camera, we will understand. Also, be aware of your surroundings and audio. If you have background noise or need to use the restroom, use your mute button and turn your camera off!  


This immersive experience will only make a difference for you if you are fully present. Find a quiet place to tune in, eliminate distractions, turn off (or at least silence) your phone and notifications so you can get the most out of every session!


You’ll be consuming a lot of information to set you up for success, so we recommend getting plenty of sleep each night, eating healthy, and staying hydrated throughout our time together.


There will be many opportunities to raise your hand to ask questions, share your A-HA’s, and connect with other attendees. Don’t hold back! 


Just like anything in life, you’ll get out of it what you put into it. Do your best to be ready to go on time – or even early – so you can get settled in and be present before we get started each day and when we come back from breaks. 

worksheets and homework

Tuesday – Connect With Your Best Self & Bold Vision

Day 1 Homework:

  1. Write yourself a thank you letter for your commitment to your vision and believing in yourself.
2.   Post it in the High Ticket Coaches Facebook group

Thursday – your authentic spirit

Day 3 Homework:

1. Think of a story that effectively communicates the “real you” and what’s important to you. Practice telling this story as an opening of a stage talk, in an interview, or in a one-on-one sales conversation.


2.   Post it in the High Ticket Coaches Facebook group

wednesday – The Secret-Storytelling Framework

Day 2 Homework:

  1. Write a P.S.R. story
(as a FB live or written post) 

Friday – the infliencer’s roadmap

Day 4 Homework:

  1. Journal: Think about an influencer you admire and do some journaling. What is it about their presence or message that causes you to see them as an influencer? What characteristics do they have that you admire? What is one thing you can take away from this influencer that you can apply to your online presence? 


2.   Post it in the High Ticket Coaches Facebook group

Permission to Dream Bigger Workshop


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High Ticket Package Workshop


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FREE Handle Objections with Confidence Training


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Give Yourself a Raise Training


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Create a Package You Can Sell in 30 Days Workshop

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Join The High Ticket Package Sprint!

 January 21, 2021

9 am - 12 pm PT

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Join The High Ticket Package Sprint!



 January 21, 2021

9 am - 12 pm PT

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6-Day High Ticket Sales Launchpad for Coaches

6 Days, 6 Figures

 February 1-6, 2021

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Bust All Objections Training

 February 10, 2021

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Bust All Objections Training

 March 11th / 9am - 12 pm PT

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Can't wait to see you at the training!

6-Day High Ticket Sales Launchpad for Coaches

6 Days, 6 Figures

 May 10-15, 2021

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"Raise Your Value" Training

 April 28 / 9am - 12 pm PT

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Can't wait to see you at the training!

6-Day High Ticket Sales Launchpad for Coaches

6 Days, 6 Figures

 May 10-15, 2021

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Can't wait to see you at the training!