How To Create Your Yearly Revenue Plan

One of the things that I recognized as I was creating high ticket packages was that the most challenging thing was not actually creating the package. The most challenging thing was genuinely believing what I was creating was worth the price I was charging.

Initially, you may not see yourself as being an expert at whatever service you are selling. But as you start to think about the service you will offer, it’s important to connect with what kinds of things you are good at. For example, what do you love to talk about? 

Remember that you are your own unique person, no one else can offer what you can. Your experience is your own and people can learn from those experiences.

And as you discover what you want to offer and how much to charge, there are a few questions to ask yourself as you are creating the pricing for these packages.

  • Can this make a difference for the people I am serving?
  • Can I add value to my client’s life or business by offering this service?
  • How does that value equate to what I’m charging and how much access will they have to me?

Asking these questions will help you to make the connection to the type of packages you want to offer and exactly how to price based on how you’re showing up to serve the people you want to work with.

Once you’re clear on those questions, there are 3 steps to take to become clear on your pricing, which will help you break down your yearly revenue goal.

What is your yearly Revenue Goal?

Creating a revenue goal for the year is the first step in reaching your income goals. Putting a number to your goal will help you further break down what type of package, or combination of packages, you’ll need to reach the goal.

How Many Packages Will You Need To Sell?

Here is a simple formula to figure out exactly how many packages you’ll need to sell to get to your goal.

Yearly Goal ________ =

Number Of Clients You’ll Need To Serve ________ X Package Price ________

Make sure you do this simple math to really get an idea of the numbers you need to hit your goal. Don’t be afraid to adjust each variable until you create a scenario that’s both stretchy and attainable.

What Services Will You Provide To Reach That Goal?

This is where you’ll need to decide what services you will be offering to meet your annual revenue goal. For example, will you offer private 1:1 coaching, group coaching, VIP days, retreats, or possibly a combination of a few services?

Once you’ve gone through these 3 steps, you’ll have a very clear plan on how to reach your big revenue goals. 

And after you’ve completed your yearly revenue plan, you are easily able to break those goals into quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals that you’ll need to hit on a smaller, more manageable scale.


If you like these tips and you want to hear more, join us in our Facebook Group.

Hi, I am Amy Yamada.

Hi, I am Amy Yamada.

a Business Coach, Entrepreneur and Author of my signature "Create, Connect, Offer" system

When you market yourself and your business in an authentic and loving way, you attract authentic and loving clients. When you have a sales conversation that is inspiring, heart-centered, and dedicated to making a difference, your BEST clients will be thrilled to work with you!

My team and I are dedicated to helping you build a deep connection with yourself, your vision, and your audience so you can make a big difference for your ideal clients and create the income you desire! Over the last six years, I have coached hundreds of entrepreneurs and spoken in front of thousands of them on how to create unique marketing messaging, write e-mail copy that personally connects and converts, and have heart-centered sales conversations with the RIGHT clients.

Once you learn these skills, you can build ANY level of business you’d like. 

Follow me on FACEBOOK.


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