LOVE Your Work. 4 Ways to Bring FUN, Joy, and Peace into Your Work Days.

It’s usually easier to wake up to catch a flight for vacation than it is to wake up for work. This is because your brain is operating in the energy of excitement when it thinks about the vacation.

How would your life be impacted if you could create mini-vacation energy every day, even at work?

My family went on vacation a few months ago to Hawaii, and we had the best time! When I got home, I figured out what I could do every single day to bring the same FUN, peace, and joy I had during my vacation into my work days, too!

How would it feel to have more FUN while you work? Check out the 4 tips below to find out how!


Commit to Creating Joy Daily

Be committed to creating joy for yourself and/or someone else every day. Here are a few small ways that you can create joy daily:

Get your loved one a cup of coffee when they first wake up.
Treat yourself to a pedicure.
Call a friend and catch up.

You’ll notice every time you create joy in your day, it becomes a ripple effect and brings light to those around you.


Adjust Your Schedule

One of the biggest freedoms in life is to create a daily routine that works for you without any preconceived notions from other people. There’s a hustle culture that advises people to wake up at 4 am and crush a workout or get an hour of work done immediately.

I don’t love getting up that early and a plan like that would not work for me. To create a schedule that works for me I choose to not schedule meetings before 10 am. I also ditched my alarm clock. I know… unimaginable, right? But I love waking up when my body says that it’s had enough sleep. The beauty of being an entrepreneur is we get to make our own schedule!



Our lives are filled with lessons to be learned. But how can we unlock all of those lessons? Journaling is your best friend. Take the time to record your thoughts in writing. It doesn’t have to be long-winded about all of your day’s activities. It can be as simple as making a list of what you are grateful for at the end of each day and your #1 goal. This daily check-in will ground you and help you feel satisfied with your life.



Find the activities that refuel you. Self-care is different for everyone. Here are some ideas:

Music (including spontaneous dance breaks)
Exercise (whatever type you love the most)
Long bubble baths
Take a walk around the block
Themed dinners at home (my family’s favorite!)

When we give ourselves permission to create mini-vacation energy, we can bring that energy into our daily routine and show up as our best selves.

Along with daily joy, I also make it a point to check in with myself every 6 months to make sure I’m living my authentic life. I challenge you to check on yourself today and commit to creating mini-vacation energy for yourself so you can love your work and have more FUN in your day!

If this post resonated with you and you’d like access to more free training on how to scale to a 7-figure coaching business, join the FREE High Ticket Coaches Facebook Group.

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Hi, I am Amy Yamada.

Hi, I am Amy Yamada.

a Business Coach, Entrepreneur and Author of my signature "Create, Connect, Offer" system

When you market yourself and your business in an authentic and loving way, you attract authentic and loving clients. When you have a sales conversation that is inspiring, heart-centered, and dedicated to making a difference, your BEST clients will be thrilled to work with you!

My team and I are dedicated to helping you build a deep connection with yourself, your vision, and your audience so you can make a big difference for your ideal clients and create the income you desire! Over the last six years, I have coached hundreds of entrepreneurs and spoken in front of thousands of them on how to create unique marketing messaging, write e-mail copy that personally connects and converts, and have heart-centered sales conversations with the RIGHT clients.

Once you learn these skills, you can build ANY level of business you’d like. 

Follow me on FACEBOOK.


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