Instant Client Attraction (From Your Existing Audience!)

3 Simple & Powerful Steps to Sign Your Next Client

When my dear former client (and now Coach in my Powerhouse Mastermind program) Val came to me, she was not feeling confident about launching her business. One of the main reasons was FEAR.

See, she has invested a lot of time, money, and effort into another type of business a year prior, but she never launched it. And because of this experience, her confidence was low.

I’m sure you may have heard this before, but fear is False Evidence Appearing Real… meaning Val was letting her past experience dictate who she was and what she was capable of, and a lot of the thoughts she was allowing herself to believe simply weren’t true!

Thankfully Val and I connected when she found a daily Facebook Live series I was running for an entire month. On my end, Val immediately stood out because she was present every single day of the 30 day live series and she was participating.

I taught the 3 part, simple, system to get clients now that I’m going to teach you today, and Val got results! She eventually joined us at an in-person retreat and later our mastermind as a member, and now she’s a coach in the mastermind!

Now on to the 3 simple & powerful steps Val used to turn her business around, so you can use them too!


What is a Customer Roadmap?

It all starts with your ideal client and knowing where they are today and ultimately where they want to be. Along the way for you to take them from where they are today to where they want to be, there’s some set of steps that you work through.

Limit the number of steps to no more than 7 steps. A good rule of thumb is to use an odd number such as 3 steps, 5 steps, or 7 steps. These steps represent different ways you will be adding value (free and paid) as they ascend to becoming a client.

Here’s an example of a roadmap:

  • A potential client opts in to a free challenge.
  • After opting in they have a chance to upgrade to VIP for under $100.
  • During the challenge, she is offered a high-touch virtual event ticket priced at $1K or less.
  • During that high touch, intimate event she is offered a sales call for a high ticket mastermind ($10K+).
  • She enrolls in the mastermind.

It would be very tough to take someone who doesn’t know you AT ALL and have them buy your highest ticket offer. However, possibilities open up when you walk them through a roadmap like this over the course of even just a few weeks! You’d be surprised at how the right strategic steps that add value and serve can warm someone up into a new high-ticket client! 


Create a strong message. Whether you’re writing an email, posting on social media, or planning your theme for your 1 day talk show (one of the strategies I love to teach my clients!), it’s crucial you hone in on your message. 

It should be easy and simple for your audience to understand what you can help them with.

I created an entire workbook to walk you through each step of the process to get clear on your message, including examples and fill-in-the-blanks so you can create your message while you read through it.

Click here to get a free copy of the messaging workbook.


It’s essential to be clear who you serve. Don’t chase after a whole demographic. Who is one person you know in real life who would make an ideal client for you? Once you have that person in mind, think – where would they be? What groups would they be in? What topics would catch their attention and make them want to watch or read your content?

Oftentimes people try to serve a broad audience at first, because they want clients so bad they don’t want to exclude anyone from their pool of potential clients. However, the more you speak to one person, the easier your ideal client will be able to find you. It’s when you try to be everything to everyone that things fall off the tracks.

Here are the top 5 ways I’ve connected with my audience over the years:

  • Hosting virtual live events (think masterclasses, challenges)
  • Emailing my list
  • Broadcasting on Facebook Live
  • Strategically partnering with other people on podcasts and JV events
  • Live speaking

Focus on niching down and being where your specific ideal client is. The more you connect and get to know your ideal clients, the easier you can connect with them on a deeper level.


Your business should not be a secret that you need to hide from people. It’s the exact opposite. It would be best if you told everyone what you do and who you serve. Because the more people you can engage in a conversation about your business, the more offers you can make.

Reach out without any intentions of getting something in return. I call them make a difference calls. Once you get the ball rolling and start connecting with people to find out what they need, it will be easier to make an offer if you know it can help them!

Click here to get my CARE method for reaching out to people and inviting them onto calls. 

As you grow, you can shift and tweak your offer. Before you know it, you’ll start gaining momentum and hearing YES on calls.

Here’s a real-life example of how I implement these steps into a sales funnel right now is:

  1. Plan a virtual live event and invite my audience by emailing my list.
  2. My people get to attend the free or low ticket live event and learn from me.
  3. I make a high ticket offer at the end, and a portion of people step in because they know they want to learn more from me and go deeper.

For free, in depth training on each of these steps every month,

join our free Facebook Group High Ticket Coaches now!

Hi, I am Amy Yamada.

Hi, I am Amy Yamada.

a Business Coach, Entrepreneur and Author of my signature "Create, Connect, Offer" system

When you market yourself and your business in an authentic and loving way, you attract authentic and loving clients. When you have a sales conversation that is inspiring, heart-centered, and dedicated to making a difference, your BEST clients will be thrilled to work with you!

My team and I are dedicated to helping you build a deep connection with yourself, your vision, and your audience so you can make a big difference for your ideal clients and create the income you desire! Over the last six years, I have coached hundreds of entrepreneurs and spoken in front of thousands of them on how to create unique marketing messaging, write e-mail copy that personally connects and converts, and have heart-centered sales conversations with the RIGHT clients.

Once you learn these skills, you can build ANY level of business you’d like. 

Follow me on FACEBOOK.


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