4 Steps to Reset Your Business In 90 Minutes (or Less)


Summertime is typically filled with holidays, beach trips, kids home from school, and even travel. Especially after last year, where many of us skipped travel and stayed home, it feels extra easy to get caught up in everything but work this season! If you’re feeling distracted from building your business, then it’s time to reset! 

I’ve got 5 easy to follow steps that you can follow any time you want to reset your mind and heart so you can keep growing your business over the next 90 days. The best part – this can take 90 minutes or less to complete! Let’s get started…


1. Reconnect With Your Why

What was your vision when you started your business? When you started this year? First, look at the specific goals you had, like hosting a live event, speaking on a stage, or hitting a $20K month. Then DIG a layer deeper to identify the WHY behind that goal. Why do you want to achieve that?

You will likely miss the mark if you don’t have a strong why or purpose behind the goal. For instance, someone with a financial goal might think making income is the reason. But please dig deeper. Why do you want more money? What will you do with it? 

For example, some goals commonly associated with more finances are:

  • To be able to quit a 9-5 job
  • Visit your family or take a memorable trip
  • Financially support elderly parents
  • Buy a home

Then ask yourself again – WHY?


  • Because I want to be my own boss and create my own schedule 
  • I want to create the best memories and relationship with my children
  • My parents always supported me, and I want to give them the best
  • I want to build my best life in a home that I love!

You can even continue further and ask why again. Keep digging deeper until you get to the honest, heartfelt answer.

2.  Look At The Next 90 Days

I love 90 day sprints because they’re long enough to achieve a great result, but short enough for you to maintain your motivation.

The FIRST thing you want to note down is your personal priorities in the next 90 days. Do you have a family vacation, wedding, or mastermind event to attend? Put your important life stuff in your plan, then think about when you want to make offers in your business and how you want to lead your audience into those offers.

3. Set Specific Monthly Goals

If you focus too much on the big picture, the small steps it takes to get there can get lost. Keep track of your monthly goals and focus on those as the month progresses. This helps you avoid overwhelm and keeps you focused on what will move the needle most any given day.

4. Assess Your Client Attraction System

How are you attracting new potential clients to your business? There are many different ways to implement a client attraction system, from organic outreach campaigns to online funnels.

After making initial contact, warm up your audience by sharing relevant and helpful content with them at least once a week. Don’t forget to regularly offer them a sales call or a paid offer so they can pay to work with you!

I hope you can find time in your week to sit down and focus on these 4 steps to reset your business for the next 90 days. I’d love to hear about your experience following this formula. 

Post your results in the High Ticket Coaches Facebook Group:

Hi, I am Amy Yamada.

Hi, I am Amy Yamada.

a Business Coach, Entrepreneur and Author of my signature "Create, Connect, Offer" system

When you market yourself and your business in an authentic and loving way, you attract authentic and loving clients. When you have a sales conversation that is inspiring, heart-centered, and dedicated to making a difference, your BEST clients will be thrilled to work with you!

My team and I are dedicated to helping you build a deep connection with yourself, your vision, and your audience so you can make a big difference for your ideal clients and create the income you desire! Over the last six years, I have coached hundreds of entrepreneurs and spoken in front of thousands of them on how to create unique marketing messaging, write e-mail copy that personally connects and converts, and have heart-centered sales conversations with the RIGHT clients.

Once you learn these skills, you can build ANY level of business you’d like. 

Follow me on FACEBOOK.


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