Are YOU in Your Own Way?

As entrepreneurs, we are constantly working towards growing our businesses and growing ourselves. We come up against old stories and beliefs that have held us back in the past. Luckily nothing helps us face those fears and limits more than running our own business, so you’re in the right place if you want to break through them!

I remember coming up against my own limiting beliefs when I first tried to break through the six-figure mark and again once I was about to break past seven figures. Those goals seemed like such a stretch for me, so I really wondered if I could do it.

Have you ever felt that way? Having self doubt, wondering if you really have what it takes to achieve a bigger goal?

If you’re a human, then the answer is likely yes! That said, I’m inviting you to do an exercise with me today that will help you recognize the beliefs that may be holding you back. 

Then, once you recognize that belief, I’ll give you the steps to take to replace that old belief with something new so you can move forward powerfully towards your dreams.

List out your limiting beliefs:

Think about some of the things you tell yourself or the thoughts that go on in your mind when you are growing your business.

I can’t do that this year.

Maybe in 5 years or 10 years, I’ll be able to finally hit that mark but definitely not now.

I’m not qualified to do xyz yet.

When we say these things over and over to ourselves, it holds us back from leaning into that next version of ourselves and where we want to take our business.


What rewards do you get from having those limiting beliefs?

Think about the false rewards you get from having those beliefs.

An example would be, “I don’t have the motivation to work out consistently.” Which means you don’t have to put in the effort it takes to work out. You have free time, and you can do other things you’d rather be doing.

It’s the same thing with business goals. Sometimes, I’ll hear one of my clients say, “I don’t want to set a goal, because if I don’t hit it, I’ll feel really down on myself.” Initially, they’d rather NOT set a goal, and simply do the best they can so they avoid disappointing themselves.

They benefit by playing it safe. But in doing so, they also sometimes play small.

Whatever it is that you have been telling yourself, the benefit you are getting from it is what could be holding you back from getting to the actual goal that you want to reach!

Rewrite a new powerful story to replace the limiting story.

Instead of continuing to tell yourself the same story, now is where you rewrite a new one for yourself.

And once you have that new story written down, you can keep repeating it over and over again. That’s where the true magic happens. When you recognize the old stories and consciously remind yourself of the new ones you have created, that’s when things will really change for you.

If we keep playing the game that we’ve been playing, we will continue to get the same results we’ve always been getting.

And remember, whatever got you here, won’t get you to your next level of success. You need to rewrite your story so that you can finally reach out and grab that dream you’ve been chasing after.

If you like this tip and you want to hear more, join us in our Facebook Group:

Hi, I am Amy Yamada.

Hi, I am Amy Yamada.

a Business Coach, Entrepreneur and Author of my signature "Create, Connect, Offer" system

When you market yourself and your business in an authentic and loving way, you attract authentic and loving clients. When you have a sales conversation that is inspiring, heart-centered, and dedicated to making a difference, your BEST clients will be thrilled to work with you!

My team and I are dedicated to helping you build a deep connection with yourself, your vision, and your audience so you can make a big difference for your ideal clients and create the income you desire! Over the last six years, I have coached hundreds of entrepreneurs and spoken in front of thousands of them on how to create unique marketing messaging, write e-mail copy that personally connects and converts, and have heart-centered sales conversations with the RIGHT clients.

Once you learn these skills, you can build ANY level of business you’d like. 

Follow me on FACEBOOK.


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