Lately, I’ve been thinking about what it’s really taken for me to really play big. This has come about as I’ve been talking to so many entrepreneurs who have come to my recent retreats, my team members, and colleagues.

I keep hearing the same thing…

Even last night I was talking to beautiful soul of an entrepreneur who was saying to me: “I feel like I have this big gift and I really want to spread my wings and get out there in the world.” Mind you, she’s got all the credentials under the sun. Not that you need all the credentials, but she’s got all the credentials, she’s working with some clients, and she is feeling that calling within her to just go big. She was like, “Amy, I feel like I’m like on the verge of it.” And then she starts telling me about all the things that are on her plate and all the things that are happening in her life. My heart went out to her because I understand the feeling.


What I find with entrepreneurs who aren’t where they want to be is that they are talking about all they want to do, then they’re fighting for limitations.


Even when they’ve invested in coaching and programs with experts who have told them exactly what to do and what it’s taken from them to get to where they want to go, they still allow themselves to get into this land of overwhelm. Don’t let that be you.

You have a longing to be a coach for a reason. Don’t fight for your limitations, Don’t fight to stay small.

When I hear these stories about people who have these gifts and they may even feel close to a business breakthrough but they’re still hitting a wall I want to say them:


You’ve got this! You actually have everything it takes.


I wanted to talk about this today because I know you have a fire and you, and you owe it to yourself to NOT fall prey to your own limiting beliefs.


The ONE missing piece between you and an abundance of clients is choosing success.


I invite you to choose something else, to choose success, and to choose to go for it anyway. Here’s how to do this:


Take a moment to really reconnect in with your vision for the year.  We’re are close to midyear so this is a great time to do this! Ask yourself – what am I really commited to this year? Maybe it’s a number of clients or a certain impact you want to have. Either way, you get to decide and commit, then choose to create that success no matter what.

What is you’re commitment for the year?

I’d love for you to join the free Empowered Entrepreneurs Facebook Community, and let me know!


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Create a Package You Can Sell in 30 Days Workshop

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 January 21, 2021

9 am - 12 pm PT

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 January 21, 2021

9 am - 12 pm PT

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6-Day High Ticket Sales Launchpad for Coaches

6 Days, 6 Figures

 February 1-6, 2021

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Bust All Objections Training

 March 11th / 9am - 12 pm PT

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6-Day High Ticket Sales Launchpad for Coaches

6 Days, 6 Figures

 May 10-15, 2021

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"Raise Your Value" Training

 April 28 / 9am - 12 pm PT

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6-Day High Ticket Sales Launchpad for Coaches

6 Days, 6 Figures

 May 10-15, 2021

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