Mindset Shifts You’ll Need To Make To Offer High-Ticket Packages

One of the biggest mindset shifts that I had to make when I moved from offering $1000 coaching services to $5000+ packages was wondering if I was ready to charge that much. I kept asking myself, “Who would invest that much in me?”

And I didn’t realize just how disempowering those statements made me feel until I took a good look at the words I was saying. 

Shift 1

Stop Making It About You => Make It About Your Client

Being authentic during your enrollment conversations is crucial. I think back to all the mentors and experiences I’ve had over the years and I’ve learned a lot of different sales concepts and frameworks.

I’ve gone on to generate multiple 7-figures of sales in my coaching business and it was never about following exactly what someone taught me to a tee. It’s been about taking the best of the best and then making it my own so that when I’m in my own enrollment conversations and when my teams are having conversations, we are all able to be our authentic selves.

It only gets weird if you make it weird. That’s what I believe. My invitation to you is to take the best of what I’m teaching you and make it authentically yours.

Shift 2

Figure Out Which Marketing Model Is Most Aligned For You

One of the biggest mistakes most entrepreneurs make when trying to shift to High-Ticket Offerings is listening to what others tell you to do, even when it feels out of alignment.

My model has shifted over the years and I made the mistake a while back to try to move into an evergreen offer with all kinds of webinars, slides, and funnels. My team and I spent so much time trying to make it work and in the end, it just felt completely out of alignment for how I felt most connected to my clients.

What felt best for me was the live model where I can connect on a really deep level with my clients. And that’s what works for me.

Whether it be summits, webinars, challenges, live workshops, courses, it matters because your clients will be able to tell if your energy seems slightly off.

Make sure to tune into what feels right for you and when you land on a model that feels aligned, you’ll know that’s your answer because you will feel comfortable with the decision.

Bottom line, there are several things that you will need to shift in your mindset as you move into the High-Ticket Space. Making sure that you are keeping your client’s results in mind first and staying in alignment with how you will offer your services is the best way to step into offering your programs at a higher rate.

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Hi, I am Amy Yamada.

Hi, I am Amy Yamada.

a Business Coach, Entrepreneur and Author of my signature "Create, Connect, Offer" system

When you market yourself and your business in an authentic and loving way, you attract authentic and loving clients. When you have a sales conversation that is inspiring, heart-centered, and dedicated to making a difference, your BEST clients will be thrilled to work with you!

My team and I are dedicated to helping you build a deep connection with yourself, your vision, and your audience so you can make a big difference for your ideal clients and create the income you desire! Over the last six years, I have coached hundreds of entrepreneurs and spoken in front of thousands of them on how to create unique marketing messaging, write e-mail copy that personally connects and converts, and have heart-centered sales conversations with the RIGHT clients.

Once you learn these skills, you can build ANY level of business you’d like. 

Follow me on FACEBOOK.


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 May 10-15, 2021

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