Show up for yourself and others. Show up for your LIFE. You are your WORD. If you say you are going to be somewhere, for yourself or someone else, be there. If you say you are going to do something, for yourself or someone else, do it. If you say you are going to be responsible, be responsible and take action. Just. Show. UP. You will either GAIN or LOSE credibility, based on if you follow through – or don’t follow through – with your WORD.
You will either create a practice of trusting yourself or not trusting yourself. Others will know if they can or cannot depend on you. You get to CHOOSE. I know exactly who I can or cannot count on, based on how they have or have not shown up. Be one of the ones who SHOWS UP. Show up for yourself, your life, and your world. The world will reflect back to you how YOU show up!