3 Steps to Creating Your Yearly and Monthly Vision


3 Steps to Creating Your Yearly and Monthly Vision

Yesterday, one of my Powerhouse clients commented on how much I have on my plate for this year- and she said, “I’m really impressed by how much you have coming up!”

What’s great is that I am holding a bigger capacity now than I ever have, and I also have more freedom than I ever have had.  

The difference is, I have a very CLEAR, Monthly Big Picture Plan.  (I also now have a team- but even before I had a team, I would do this exercise, and it was a GAME-CHANGER!!)

I remembered back to early on in my journey when I felt so “busy.”  However, I have since realized how overused and over-glorified that word is, and it has a negative connotation to it.

(Side note: My clients know that I encourage them to change their language: words like “busy,” “overwhelmed,” “stressed,” “exhausted,” “can’t”, or “I can’t afford.”  

Here’s what we shift to:

Instead of “busy” = “I have a full life, and I am so grateful!”

Instead of “overwhelmed” = “I am not prepared or committed… so I get to recommit and prepare!”

Instead of “exhausted” or “stressed” = “I get to practice self-care and get rejuvenated”
Instead of “can’t” = “I don’t know how yet” or “I can and choose not to…”
Instead of “I can’t afford” = “It’s just not a priority right now”

Here’s how to shift out of business and overwhelm while taking on MORE (trust me it’s possible!).


1: Start by coming up with your big picture goal for the year. Double check that it’s aligned with your vision.

Ask yourself what is your BIG goal for the next 12 months?  Or between now and the end of the year?

What would be dreamy for you to be celebrating on New Year’s Eve??

2: Create a Monthly Big Picture Plan – what do you want to achieve over these next 12 months?

This is what I have my Powerhouse clients do at our retreats — and if you haven’t been to a Powerhouse Retreat, check out PowerhouseCalifornia.com!

Now, think back to your yearly vision and ask yourself…

What is your focus for each month, to align with this big plan?

Then for each month write 3 -5 bullet points– really THREE main bullet points for each month of the big focused areas.

Keep it simple, just type it out in a Google Doc so you can share it with your coach and/or team and also modify it in the future if needed.

3: #1 rule for entrepreneurs = laser-like FOCUS

Ask yourself – what am I focused on today.

When you create structure in your day it’s through the structure that you gain freedom.

Same with your year. When you structure your year it creates freedom!

Share your monthly or yearly vision with me in the comments below!

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