3 Ways to Create Online Content that Attracts Your BEST Clients
Today I’m sharing with you 3 ways you can create online content that attracts your BEST clients to you!
Embody your message and be consistent with your message.
For example, I have some sound bites that I repeat over and over again in my content. I often say “Words and messaging are my strengths,” or the “power of deep connection,” and “heart-centered sales conversations.”
Also, if you have a special system you teach, seed that in your content as well.
Ask – if people were to talk about you, would they know how to describe what you do beyond your title?
Embody your message and people will be attracted to the authentic you.
Since I’ve been doing this, so many people come up to me and say “Amy, I feel a connection to you and I want to talk about business coaching.” This is a reflection of my consistency and planting those seeds (sound bites) over and over again in my marketing.
Take Action: Ask yourself what you want to be known for?
Connection is currency. Stories create that connection.
If you don’t know what stories to tell, I recommend carving out time to do some story journaling.
Sit down and bullet point out stories from your lives or stories you tell often.
Once in a while, I’ll think about a very simple story like talking to a stranger while walking my dog and use that to illustrate my point. Keep it simple! It does not always need to be an epic hero’s journey tale.
A framework you can use for storytelling is PSR – Problem, Solution, Result. When you want to use a story, make sure you clearly state the problem, solution, and result.
Broad topics can be overwhelming or confusing, and a confused mind never buys.
I teach a lot, but if I make a catch-all piece of content I will lose people.
That’s why I choose a title like “Handling Sales Objections” over “Growing Your Coaching Business.”
Broad is broke!