Chat with Amy
I actually decided to give you more than one strategy, because clearly there are numerous ways to attract high paying clients to your business.
There are so many client attraction strategies out there, and the most important, number one thing I learned is that no matter what strategies you implement it starts with you and believing in what you are offering. If you are struggling with this, create an offering and think about it this way: if someone else offered that same thing to you, would you be immediately enrolled in it? You are enough, or more than enough, but until you truly believe in yourself and your offering, you will not be able to attract the right people into your circle of influence. So, create an offer and don’t put it out there until you believe in it.
Think about the value you are including in the package. It’s not about just raising your prices. When you think about giving more for more, especially those who have been coaching for a while, think about what you can include in your package that will give more value for more money. The truth is, when people do not pay, they do not pay attention. Think, are you more likely to show up when you buy a low cost gym membership or when you hire a personal trainer for a premium? When I offer a more premium offering, people automatically have a much higher level of commitment.
It’s not about the money. It is about generosity. How are you building a relationship with your audience by giving generously? This particular broadcast, Holi-daily with Amy, is a good example of this. When I committed to it, I knew it was a stretch for me, however, the more I give, the more people come to me and my business, and they are the right kind of people. Commit to putting yourself out there and giving on a regular basis. Just make sure when you are thinking about putting your offer together, it’s not about the money. First and foremost, it should be about making a difference and serving your clients with generosity.
Every year I do a call on about 20 client attraction strategies, because this is what everyone wants to now: How do you find clients? First of all, your clients are everywhere and here is the thing: it’s not about juggling all these strategies of client attraction. It’s about finding a strategy that works for you and doing it really well. Some of the examples of client attraction strategies are:
- organic reach – referrals, old fashioned networking, social media reach
- speaking from stages (online and offline) – this could mean a lot of different things, online stages can include FB lives, YouTube videos, free training calls, free webinars, etc. list building – challenges, summits, free trainings
- online funnels
- etcetera
Find the one (or more) that resonates with you and do it.
Most of my clients love the fulfillment part of their business. The fulfillment part is where you get to do what you love – coach or provide your service. Most entrepreneurs do not love the parts that have to do with marketing and sales. If you simply shift your mindset and start looking at marketing and sales as part of the service you provide to your clients, these aspects of your business will become so much easier. I think about it this way: I reach the most people in the marketing stage of my business, less in sales and a few select in fulfilment. I get to serve my clients in every step of the way.
Let people know what you are doing. The more I put myself out there, the better results I get. Here is an example, when I started offering speaking services, I started using “I am…” language (I am now offering speaking services, if you know anyone who needs a speaker or MC, please help me connect with them). The amazing lesson I learned is when I put myself out there, people started noticing and really coming up to me for my service. Suddenly I was on a MC circuit for WA and CA, and it helped me tremendously to gain confidence in what I was doing.
Very important step – it you continuously focus only on new people, you will miss out on all the people that already were interested in your offering and, perhaps, you even talked to already. Do not underestimate the importance of follow up. My team uses Airtable for tracing all client and potential client interactions and follow ups.
For Q & A session where more valuable tips on attracting the right clients to your business are revealed watch the video J
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