Defining Your Irresistible Message, part 2 This week, I”m going to take you through the second part of how to define your Irresistible Message. If you haven’t read through Part 1 of Defining Your Irresistible Message, you can do that HERE first. Defining your core...
The KEY to a Sustainable Business Whether you’re brand new here or if you’ve been following me for a while, you know that THE most important part of my business is relationship building. After being in business for over 10 years, I’ve come to recognize there is an...
Mindset Shifts You’ll Need To Make To Offer High-Ticket Packages One of the biggest mindset shifts that I had to make when I moved from offering $1000 coaching services to $5000+ packages was wondering if I was ready to charge that much. I kept asking myself, “Who...
4 Steps to Reset Your Business In 90 Minutes (or Less) Summertime is typically filled with holidays, beach trips, kids home from school, and even travel. Especially after last year, where many of us skipped travel and stayed home, it feels extra easy to get...
Master This ONE Thing to Scale to 7-Figures There was a time in my life when I was accommodating. I wanted to be everything to everyone, and this attitude spilled over into my business too. I wanted to be successful, and I thought I needed to shape myself and my...
Get Clear on Your Ideal High Ticket Offer in 5 Steps How to create an offer that your dream client will not be able to pass up!Every time I have grown, I find myself thinking “who am I to think I can do this?” It’s a very normal human thought to have, especially when...